воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Got a C in Foundations. What the hell. I had almost been hoping for an A until the final, and I know I screwed the Final up a little, but homework was a huge part of the grade too.

Argh. So much for my GPA this term. I canapos;t believe I got a C in Foundations... I was so dumb on the final, too. But I didnapos;t think it was even possible for me to bomb it enough to bring my grade down to a C - hell, I did like 15-20 points higher than Isaac/Billy on the Midterm (and they got an A and a B, respectively). SFHJDJHFDJHDJHFDJD.

I single handedly destroyed my GPA this term, between Foundations and OOAD. Itapos;s especially ironic because I basically had no social life this entire term, because I had to pretty much completely focus on school. At this point, my life basically doesnapos;t even have a purpose, because Iapos;m sucking at school, but not having time for any sort of social activity.

Maybe I should quit World of Warcraft. I feel like that wouldnapos;t actually help at all, though.

Itapos;s especially sucky for Foundations because I realized right after the class that I had been *really* dumb with my answer for one of the problems.

Christ, Iapos;m the only one who even went to all the Foundations classes - Billy missed at least 2 weeks worth, and just copied *my* notes.

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amazing live sea monkey

let the music flow through your soul
and take over your body.
itapos;s the ultimate high.
let it hit you
brutalize you with itapos;s beat.
the rhythm winding within.
open your heart and mind.
for itapos;s the best feeling.
sing along
no matter what people say.
because nothing else matters
when you are yourself.
express your individuality.
and love one another.
-olivia bell

my cousin who put my love for music and for going to concerts into words. Its the best way i can feel how my soul feels when the music hits me. It does take over my body. When the rhythm and beat is going through my body all my worries fade and i want to live forever in that moment.

ps. I some of my ashes to be spread at mudisland..front row
(if thats possible)

i need to go to sleep. Eric is on the couch again :)
i love that boy more than anyone knows. hes the one.
the one for me
the one i trust.
i dont know how i ever got him.
i want to be with him forever.i know its right.

i should go to sleep. I should make every moment count...sleeping or not.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

compute net

Bonnie the big dog is very naughty lol. He alwaysss tries to seperate fluffy and I hahaa. Itapos;s hilarious tho. Like sometimes Iapos;m also irritated cuz Bonnie is so freaking huge and his paws are sharp and keeps stepping on me. Then this fluffy also quite annoying. Keep scratching my legs. Haha. So i canapos;t wear shorts whenever I wanna go out to the balcony.

But here are some photos that I had a good laugh at

Look at Fluffyapos;s poor little desperate face HAHA Bonnie alert

Bonnieapos;s sticking his head in. Look at poor fluffy HAHA

O look Bonnie Youapos;ve done it again HAHA. Itapos;s like Bonnie also donapos;t want me to touch him. But he just wants to separate fluffy and I haha. I love fluffy So cuteee

The bird feed thing at the house. The birds are grey and pink

A puzzle that I did during the Hawthorn vs Geelong game While eating yumsters banana cake

Reflection of sunset on glass

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Quick update on Daisy. Looks like weapos;ve come up with the right dosage for Daisy, 1/2 a pill on Monday and 1/2 on Thursday. Her appetite has come back, especially since Iapos;ve taken to given her Alpo. Her water intake has dropped to normal amounts and sheapos;s only had one accident at night in the past week.

Her energy level is up a bit, sheapos;s at least getting up off the couch and walking around now not just laying on the couch, unwilling to get up.

And today, I just got back from taking her on a short walk, about 1/2 a mile. Just enough to get her out and about.

So fingers crossed that things continue as they are.

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Reading through some of the daily media you would think the end of the world is nigh. Iceland and now Switzerland having severe financial problems - where will it end?

Here are a few tips for survival over the next 12 months.

  • Understand the situation - don't bury your head in the sand and hope it will all go away as this is a recipe for disaster, however I have come across one or two companies recently who are taking just this approach. The more information you have the better decisions you will make.

  • Rapid evolution is the key to survival - particularly over the next 12 - 18 months. Take decisive actions when required and then live by them - this isn't a time to pontificate as delay could be your death (OK thats a bit strong but it sounds good as a sound bite)

  • Assume that the worst is going to happen and take a zero-based budgeting approach to everything.

  • Make whatever cuts are necessary. One technique I have used in the past is wargaming. Ok so what is wargaming - this is a 'game' in which a small group of people assume the role of acquirers (venture capitalists or private equity players) and they look at the company from an 'external' perspective. What would they keep?, what would they get rid of?, what sort of overhead should there be etc. Etc.

  • Think about what you measure. In these tough times it is good to review your measurement process - are you measuring the right things - if you are measuring acquisitions this not be realistic and it may be better to measure retention - if you are measuring output it may be better to measure productivity. Don't forget 'you are what you measure' so make sure you measure what you need and not what you do.

  • Encourage Innovation - particularly around waste and inefficiency. This could be the ideal time to start to question why things are done very often because this is the way it is always done, but encourage staff to refine and review all their actions so that they are the most efficient they can be. In these times of crisis very often productivity can fall as people are worried about their jobs and financial security - this can be a great way of re-engaging them for the benefit of the company.

  • Become cash positive - if at all positive try and become cash positive - both in company and personal terms. A good maxim is 'spend every pound/dollar as if it was your last'

  • Get ready for the better times - this current crisis will probably last for 12 - 18 months so one activity could be to look at what you will do when things get better - plan for the future - create a new vision - give people hope for the future.

This is the time for leadership to come to the fore - a time to lead your troops into battle - great leaders emerge from hard times - Churchill, Thatcher etc.

I hope this is of some interest - what are your views on the situation - what do you think companies should do?

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1. Called Optus and sorted out this double bill thingie
2. Booked a date for the disconnection of the old house phone and intawebz and reconnection at new house
3. Booked elec and gas connection with TruEnergy
4. Booked a cleaner to clean the old house after the move. $120 Bargain Just got to wait on an exact time.
5. Got onto NIB and paid up my health insurance until Nov.
6. Left a message for the mini skip hire people to book a bin
7. Chosen a carpet cleaner to book as soon as I get confirmation of the cleaning times.
8. Mocked Mark for falling off his bike during the Tour of Tasmania race the other week.

Way to channel that excess energy
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Sooo this morning I�got up at 8 to call about quitting Dollar Tree. I quit. Very quickly I might add. Went back to sleep. Woke up went and bought some shoes (yay new flats) I then went and had lunch with my mom. We ate int he mall food court. Then we went to NYCo. To buy the lipglosses that donate proceeds to Breast Cancer Awareness. And then I got a job. Like my mom made a joke that they needed to hire me and apparently someone had just quit and they hired me on spot and I�worked for an hour and half. Yay�Iapos;m really nervous about it but itapos;s waaaay less physically demanding and pretty much only involves knowing merch, making sure people donapos;t steal and trying to get credit cards (NYCo has their own credit card and tries to get people to sign up for them)

In other news my feet/legs hurt sofreaking badddd.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Iapos;m beat. Have you ever tried planning a gluten-free menu for a whole week?

Itapos;s not fun. You canapos;t even serve noodles or any bread. So you are limited to rice and potatoes. Not to mention that you have to check beforehand if there is flour used in any sauce served with the meat.

to top it all off Iapos;m hungry as hell. When you have talked about nothing but food for over an hour and its already past noon your stomach wants some attention.

thank god we are going out to have lunch in a restaurant thatapos;s right next to the company.
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